An Attitude of Gratitude


This week’s studies sort of hit to the core of who I want to be.  We learned about having an Attitude of Gratitude.  When my son was about ten years old, he came to his dad and I and told us that he did not know if he believed in God.  We bought him a journal and told him to write in it every night, specifically pointing out the ways he saw God’s hand in his life that day.  11 years, and many journals later, he is still finding ways that God has helped him each day.  He has a deep love for his Father in Heaven and expresses his thanks daily for the blessings in his life. It was a wonderful experience to watch his transformation.

 Likewise, I have seen the hand of my Father during this journey.  In just 14 short weeks, I have had several lifechanging opportunities opened to me as I have followed the council of this class.  This was my first semester back to school after 21 years of raising a wonderful family.  During this semester, I have tried to apply the principles I’ve learned from this class to my work life. One of those principles being do what you enjoy.  Don’t do a job you hate just because you think it’s a possible “steppingstone” to something better. Find something you love doing.  I’m happy to report that last Monday I left my old miserable job as a building auditor and started a new job as an administrative assistant for Venue Operations at Utah State University.  It’s an exciting time for me as I have other job interviews and work opportunities that have presented themselves.  I haven’t even gone searching.  I feel like Father in Heaven has truly blessed my efforts, and I’m definitely feeling like an “unprofitable servant.”


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