I'm not gonna lie. I'm feeling a little inadequate, overwhelmed, and old after this weeks studies. I don't feel like I have the time it's going to take to become an expert in an industry. After spending the majority of my adult life being a stay at home mom, I'm far from landing the perfect job. In fact, I'm still trying to find a good stepping stone job. Don't worry though, this is just one of those "Brick Walls" that Randy Pausch talked about in his "Last Lecture." It's my first chance to show how badly I want it. I'm determined to find an innovative way to overcome these insecurities. And I'm sure there will be many, many more brick walls along my journey. Bring it!
Speaking of determination. I read a great quote by Plato. He said: “The first and best victory is to conquer self; to be conquered by self is, of all things, the most shameful and vile.” Ooof. If that isn't motivation to be better... Sometimes giving in to the "natural man" seems like the easier course. I can't tell you how many times I've given in to some temptation, just to regret it the next day. Shame is a good word for it. Elder N. Eldon Tanner said "self-discipline, self-control, or self-mastery is so important to all of us if we are to accomplish what we set out to do and enjoy the blessings which we desire so much." Id like to add Father in Heaven to the equation. Self-mastery allows us to better serve Him, and live in harmony with his plan for us. It also brings true joy to our lives.
To illustrate this point, let me introduce you to my son Andrew. This is one of my favorite pictures of him. It shows his dedication to outrun his fellow racers. You can see the determination on his face. What you don't see is the daily effort that went in to his training. Two-a-day practices, weights, nutrition, and good sleeping habits, all went in to this one moment. Self Mastery requires a daily resolve to make the right choices. It requires self-control and discipline.
I'll let you in on a little secret. Andrew didn't win that race. But he did succeed. He was successful because he mastered himself. He met the goals that he set for himself. And he was able to experience the pure joy that came from his accomplishment.
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